woman wearing apron smiling and pointing at teeth

same day teeth

Same day teeth with GuidedSmile in Stourbridge & Dudley

GuidedSMILE is the most predictably successful computer-guided surgical approach on the market.

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All Teeth - with GuidedSmile

If you have lost all of your teeth and seek an alternative to dentures, dental implants can be a suitable solution. Dental implants provide a stable and natural-looking solution for replacing missing teeth.

For those with a few remaining failing teeth who wish to avoid dentures altogether, a full arch implant-supported bridge can be an ideal choice. Conventional dentures, while a common solution for replacing missing teeth, can often be unstable, uncomfortable, and cause self-consciousness.

With dental implants, an implant-retained bridge offers the appearance and functionality of natural teeth, providing a more secure and confident smile.

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What is different about GuidedSmile?

Conventional same day treatments usually involve freehand implant placement and an on-site technician, who makes the new bridge while you wait. This takes hours longer and is more prone to inaccuracies.

GuidedSmile uses computer guided planning and manufacturing techniques, the technology is patent protected, and is not provided by most dentists.

Why GuidedSmile?

Due to the advanced planning technology and the accuracy of the manufacturing process, the treatment is very accurate and predictable.

Appointment times are shorter and visits are fewer. This greatly saves you time and trips to the Practice. Furthermore, the experience is less stressful and more reassuring for the patient, with excellent outcomes and patient satisfaction.

What is GuidedSmile?

GuidedSmile is a new, revolutionary system that delivers same day teeth – a completely new smile in a single day. Several implants are placed, and a full arch bridge fitted, all in 1 appointment.

Same-day smile!

Through the utilisation of computer-guided surgery, you can experience the remarkable benefit of receiving a complete set of strong, natural-looking teeth on the very same day as your surgery.

These teeth are meticulously designed using digital technology, ensuring a precise and customised fit that looks and feels natural. This innovative approach guarantees you a same day smile, providing an immediate and transformative result that is made possible through advanced computer-guided techniques.

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What to expect from Same day teeth in Stourbridge?

Using 3D imaging and digital scanning, high detailed images of your mouth are captured to customise the treatment to precisely fit your new teeth where they should be. Using the images, a simulation is created showing what your new smile will look like once the treatment is complete.

Using the Chrome surgical guide, we fit the provisional fixed natural looking and functioning teeth, so you leave on the same day with your new smile!

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Strength and Comfort dental treatment in Stourbridge

Similar to how a sturdy house requires a solid foundation, successful surgery relies on a reliable guide to support it.

Computer-guided surgery offers a significant advantage, being 2 to 3 times faster compared to traditional hand-guided surgery, with a typical duration of 2 to 4 hours per arch.

Through meticulous analysis of all critical factors beforehand, the surgical process is streamlined and optimised. The swifter procedure leads to reduced anesthesia requirements, resulting in less post-surgical pain and discomfort for the patient. Additionally, faster healing is observed, with most patients requiring only basic over-the-counter medication for a few days.

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